Friday, March 18, 2022

Prototype & Intentions - Magazine Issue 1

This is the prototype of the 1st issue of my magazine, there is still a lot that I need to improve, such as make the photos a lot bigger, and I should make the masthead bigger as well. I also may need to add more variety in text fonts and colours.


Prototype & Intentions - Magazine Issue 2


Friday, March 11, 2022

Prototype & Intentions - Website - Homepage w/ Working Link Page:

This is the homepage of my website, In order to ensure I could fit everything in a screenshot, I had to zoom out so things appear slightly out of place. 

With the time provided, I managed to promote brand identity throughout my homepage through the colour scheme (purple, yellow) with the inclusion of other colours to accent my website - white and black. 

To improve my homepage however, I need to include/improve:

  • More images (these may include the images I have not used but have already edited, or other images that I would have liked to take (if it were not for lockdown) to add depth and emphasis for my stories.
  • I also need to include the front covers of my magazine issues somewhere within the website - if it were an official website, it would make more sense for these to be included within the Subscribe page, however, because this is not a page I have developed within the time dedicated to my NEA, I will most likely include these on the homepage or within the Entertainment page.
  • Most of the text I have written could be a lot bigger in size.
  • I would have preferred to use exactly the same fonts for my website as I have used for my magazine products - and preferably at the same sizes as well







Link Page

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Wix Website - Link Page


The link page (Entertainment) of my website also follows the colour scheme of my magazine product - purple and yellow, however. It needs a lot more images - if I was not in quarantine I would have gotten more images for the three main stories within this category. 

I have also included a sub-page, that also needs more images for the stories, same as on the homepage and on the Entertainment story.

To maintain the brand identity of my media products (through the magazine pages and the website), I designed the brand logo of a star shape with a large, purple "V" in the center, along with the brand slogan written in a curve beneath the star. Although I could not use the exact same fonts, I used similar fonts such as Helvetica and Robotico.

Wix Website - Homepage

Home | CAPSULE (

The homepage of my website follows the colour scheme of my magazine product - purple and yellow, however. It needs a lot more images - if I was not in quarantine I would have gotten more images of people for the"Weekly Stars" and for the other stories included on my website. I also need to add my audio-visual to the top right corner of the website.

To maintain the brand identity of my media products (through the magazine pages and the website), I designed the brand logo of a star shape with a large, purple "V" in the center, along with the brand slogan written in a curve beneath the star. Although I could not use the exact same fonts, I used similar fonts such as Helvetica and Robotico.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Magazine Exports - Issue 2


Similarly to the front page of Issue 1, I have 5 photographs that have all been edited to represent different social groups and issues. I have used a range of fonts such as Accord SF; Basic Sans Heavy SF; and Andre Light SF. I have included a masthead with a slogan "Vital! Vital Living for You", buzzwords "Bumper Pack!!", a price tag, a barcode and the website that people would use to read online or subscribe to the brand.

To attempt to solve the issue of white space on the cover, I have also included background colours/shapes that follow the brand colour scheme (purple, and yellow) and they also link to the mast head. The main background colour is a light shade of purple while the bottom band includes a light shade of yellow with oval shapes - these link with the mast head and the star shapes.

I have done the same for the Contents page of Issue 2 as I have for Issue 1 - light shade of purple for the background to link with the masthead and a light shade of yellow for the title to link with the background colour of my website and to link with the star shape. I have also outlined the smaller stars with a shade of purple so they contrast the background.

However, as Issue 2 is a 'bumper pack', I have included more content (such as their own version of the MBTI personality test) and more stories. I have also included an editors' note, social media links and call-to-action as well as specified stories for the different topics I intend to cover through my products.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Magazine Exports - Issue 1


For the front cover of Issue 1, I have 6 photographs that have all been edited to represent different social groups and issues. I have used a range of fonts such as Accord SF; Basic Sans Heavy SF; and Andre Light SF. I have included a masthead with a slogan "Vital! Vital Living for You", buzzwords "NEW!!", a price tag, a barcode and the website that people would use to read online or subscribe to the brand.

To attempt to solve the issue of white space on the cover, I have also included background colours/shapes that follow the brand colour scheme (purple, and yellow) and they also link to the mast head. The main background colour is a light shade of purple while the bottom band includes a light shade of yellow with oval shapes - these link with the mast head and the star shapes. However the bottom band seems to clash too much with the purple colour, in the future, I could improve this by making the purple a lighter shade.

For the contents pages of Issue 1, I have filled the background in with a shade of purple that links with the masthead while the background of the page title matches/is similar to the background of my website to further show brand identity with the media products. I have outlined the story columns with contrasting colours and filled them with white to make it easier to read and more interesting to look at. There are social media links, call-to-action (subscribe information noted in another page), and distributor information included for the readers to follow, read etc.

I have also included a range of photographs linked to other stories or the same stories from the front cover; as well as other content for the readers to enjoy - 'The Weekly Stars'

Sunday, January 2, 2022

NEA: Progress of Making the Magazine products - Issue 2

 First, I began by setting up the general layout of the magazine covers and contents pages. I tried to ensure that there were different fonts used for my media product - such as Accord SF and. To follow my designs, I also made sure the 'V' and the '!' were larger sizes than the rest of the masthead of the magazine. Unfortunately, I was unable to make the black outline of the text bolder so instead, I made it so the "V" and the "!" would be the only features of the masthead with the black outline. There is also the brand slogan which I have placed to be to the right of the masthead beginning from the letter "A"

Next, I began to edit pictures that I would use for the front cover of Issue 2 using Adobe. However some images were difficult for me to edit them so they didn't look boxy - when I tried, too much of the image would be removed. I also added details of the magazine  - such as the cost and the 'Weekly Stars' feature. Then I began to include the stories in the contents pages.

Afterward, I made sure the contents columns were the same size as each other, and that there was a wider range of content included (i.e., Entertainment, Travel, and a personality test). I also began to write the editor's note and sorted out the call-to-action, "Subscribe" and "Turn to page..."in the contents pages. I have also included social media accounts and the website in the contents pages for the readers to be able to view more content. However, I would need to create these accounts for these to be successful.

Finally, I organised the column sizes, stories and page numbers, the barcode length and the general layout of the. I have also included shapes to specify where and what images I would have included if I had more time and accessibility, if we had not been placed in multiple lockdowns.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Script for Audio-Visual


[Screen fades in]

[Both people enter the room, carrying a coffee cup and wave]

Person 1: Hello guys, I am …

Person 2: And I am …

Person 1: You must be here looking for a new, fun podcast to listen to.

Person 2: One that covers all the latest trends, news, stories, movies and shows; speaking of which, have you guys watched Euphoria?

Person 1: [Speaks as both people walk to a table off camera – camera pans with them as they walk and sit down] Actually, we are going to be discussing the show this week

Person 2: Back to topic, this is the podcast for yo- [Is handed a sign] Oh, thank you! [holds up sign]

Person 1 & Person 2: [In unison] Welcome to Vital Talk!

Person 2: We talk about the Vital things in life

Person 1: [Slowly leans towards person 2 and whispers] Roll credits

Person 2: You know you’re not funny right?

Person 1: I know, I just like to annoy you

Person 2: Ugh I hate you-

Person 1: Anyway, are we going to do the podcast or not? [Looks at the camera] We shall see you guys in a few minutes

[Both put on their headsets and face the microphone in the middle of the table]

Person 2: Hello everybody and welcome to our podcast, how are you all? …

[Screen fades to black as voices fade to the beginning of a podcast]


This is the script for my audio-visual video, I intended for it to be short but more casual and seem less forced. I also intended for it to seem more like a normal conversation within the trailer for the podcast instead of it being cheesy and uninteresting.

It is short to more suit the requested length of the video and suit the form of a trailer.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Storyboard for Audio-Visual


My audio-visual product will be a trailer for a podcast (within the same brand as Vital!) called Vital Talk! 

Shot 1
Shot type: Full Shot /or/ Medium Wide Shot
Setting: Empty room - maybe has posters or other props to associate with trends/movies etc.
Props: Coffee Cups
Expressions/Attitude: Cheerful; Casual; Welcoming 
Editing: Fading into the shot; shapes - show peoples' names in the shot
What Happens?: Two people discuss with each other & directly into the camera

Shot 2
Shot Type: Tracking - turns to Medium (when they reach the table & sit down
Setting: Different part of same room - has two chairs
Props: Coffee cups; Microphone (in the centre of table); headsets
Editing: None
What Happens?: They both walk to the table off screen (still talking to each other) - camera tracks their movement 

Shot 3
Shot Type: Medium
Props: Sign (passed to person 2 by a third person(off-screen); Coffee cups; Microphone; Headsets
Editing: Sound effects as third person hands the sign to second person
What Happens?: Person off screen hands sign to second person - two people on screen read sign as they show it to the camera

Shot 4
Shot Type: Medium
Props: Coffee Cups; Microphone; Headsets; Sign
Editing: Crash sound effects as second person throws sign away - off screen
What Happens?: Two models talk with each other, look at the camera as the put on their headsets and the screen fades to black.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

NEA: Progress of Making the Website

 Vital website

Here, on the main homepage (it scrolls down) I used a template and set the website colour scheme to the colour scheme of the magazines (purple, black, yellow) difference between the website and the magazine products is that the magazine colour scheme also includes light blue for the contents page, while the website does not - instead it include a more neutral colour to suit the yellow-ish tan colour used for the background colour of the magazine

NEA: Progress of Making the Magazine products - Issue 1

First, I began by setting up the general layout of the magazine covers and contents pages. I tried to ensure that there were different fonts used for my media product - such as Accord SF and . To follow my designs, I also made sure the 'V' and the '!' were larger sizes than the rest of the masthead of the magazine. Unfortunately, I was unable to make the black outline of the text bolder so instead, I made it so the "V" and the "!" would be the only features of the masthead with the black outline.
There is also the brand slogan which I have placed to be to the right of the masthead beginning from the letter "A"

Here, I then began to focus on adding stories to the front cover - unfortunately, I had to do some further editing to the main image so that it would flow more rather than look blocky against the background
Next, I edited more photos by adjusting the lighting and colour levels (for example; the image of the stagnant stream was originally too yellow so I adjusted the RGB levels to make it greener). I also added the story titles and attached them with the designated photos.
I also added the weekly price for the magazine and placed it in the left bottom corner

I Included call-to-action with subscribe information and which page they need to turn to. I also began to sort out the column sizes 

Friday, November 12, 2021

NEA: Research of Existing Websites

 Entertainment Weekly Website:

The website includes more images as the website homepage mentions a range of different stories and news for different topics of entertainment. The main topic of interest has a larger image and more text - this indicates who may be included in the "winners list".
At the right of the page, there is a separate section of the website where there is a list of the 'featured stories' that contains other stores that may be of interest. Each image has a small piece of text that introduces the story and what it is about. However, the inclusion of the images and stories in the magazine and website targets the interest of everyone of every: age, gender, sexuality, race/ethnicity, class, etc., as there are male, female, LGBTQIA+ representations as well as a multi-diverse representation of ethnicity through black people as well.
The website background is a simple white colour that enables the images and the black font to stand out to website visitors

The brand name is in the top left corner with bold, black font and white fond capital letters for the 'weekly'. This format is used for their website and for their magazines - establishing their brand name. 
On the website, there is also a navigation bar that allows website viewers to explore specific areas of interest that they wish to and highlights the brand identity of the company - entertainment. It covers all forms of entertainment further broadening its audience range as it includes readable content for everyone - even theatre and Podcasts fans. However, it also includes the main classic content surrounded by celebrities.

Call-to-Action is included through "Subscribe" enabling people to subscribe to receive the magazine and website so they can gain more content - urging them to read both the magazine and sign up to the website "Your profile".

The 'Entertainment Weekly' magazine and website have a more organised layout compared to other real-life magazine brands such as 'Real People', 'Take a Break' and 'chat'. There is nothing dramatic to the extent that bores people or makes people want to tare the media project apart - making it more ideal for younger audiences. It also covers a larger, more modern cultural ground than other magazines.

Closer Website:

The website continues to highlight who the targeted readership is - females - as topics and celebrities discussed are more female orientated as well as the colour scheme which is pink, white, and blue. The navigation bar also names topics that they would be more interested in - it emphasizes the content and the identity of the brand to be real-life, beauty, and shopping orientated. All the models/people mentioned and included within the website are also young women, further highlighting their targeted demographic.

Unlike the website for the previous magazine brand, the 'Closer' website has fewer images and text - although it requires you to scroll down through the website instead of containing all the information on one section of the page. There is a wide range of (medium) close-up shots included as well - almost as if they are trying to bring the audience "closer" to the models and the content included within the websites.

The website also contains the basic features required to make a webpage - such as the navigation bar with categories such as celebrity; entertainment; diet & body; life; shopping; real life; subscribe; and close loves. 

Mojo Website:

The MOJO website has a similar layout to the Closer website - there are three main images (although in this case, one of them is the thumbnail for a video that is featured on the website) each of which has a standfirst that explains what they are about.
On the other hand, there are also different aspects to this website - such as the color scheme - Mojo uses darker colours like black and red however, they also use the white font to stand out against the darker backgrounds.

The website highlights that the targeted demographic of this magazine are people who are fans of music - especially lesser-known music groups. Although this is more of a case for younger generations as the brand covers magazines featuring music from the before and after the 60s meaning that they are targeting an older audience rather than a younger one.

The navigation bar highlights the features of the website "Articles; Magazine; #themojoplaylist; Subscribe; Shop; The collectors' series; Newsletter" indicating the main focus of the website is to promote fandom based around niche music interests/bands instead of covering the stereotypically expected topics included within a real-life magazine brand - making this more of a niche magazine brand as well.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

NEA: Research of Existing Magazines -

 Research of Existing Magazines

Real-Life Magazine - Chat

Real-Life Magazine - Take a Break

Both these real-life magazines are crowded with images and text as well as colour. This type of real-lie magazine is more preferred by middle-aged women or pensioners, rather than a young adult audience as all the topics and stories included are the cliché dramatic "woe is me" type stories about a bunch of strangers that nobody really knows. Most younger audiences aren't interested in this type of story, or the puzzles included - instead, they generally prefer more modern issues/hobbies/events and stores to be included that aren't so negative or dramatic.

Entertainment Weekly Magazine:

Image of the band together at the center of the page - celebrities and icons. However, this doesn't quite fit into the requirements of a real-life magazine as there need to be multiple images included on the front cover. 

Brand identity:
'Entertainment Weekly' Masthead in the bold, yellow font that stands out against the blue background however, the 'Weekly' is in blue text and in a smaller font against the yellow text of the Entertainment.

Blue, yellow, and white main colour scheme with black text for the extra text. "BTS" is in a 3D slanted font; bold, white text with black a 'shadow'.

The text is in Capital letters (except "Entertainment") and serif font. Some text sections are placed in a slant - matches the shape that the band is grouped together in. "BTS" is also typed in a very small, diagonal curve, again linking to the shape the band members are grouped together.

 "Stage Preview" - It's in a yellow circle with a white outline. This matches the masthead and extra white text of the magazine. It includes the names of what else is included within the magazine that readers may want to read or find interesting. The magazine is rather simplistic in the sense that it doesn't have many shapes, images, or banners. However, the credit of the magazine cover has a red underline and yellow text.

Informal register - younger audiences rather than older audiences. Less information-based and more name-based - assumes readers already know who or what is being written about in the magazine. In the image of the band, one of the singers; J-Hope, is making a heart symbol as he poses for the image. [Barthes] Hearts is generally used to symbolize love and this could create several meanings behind the image i.e. J-Hope loves his fellow band members or that he loves his fans etc.

Institutional Details:
The brand name is within the masthead and stands out against the rest of the magazine cover. However, the "By Lean Greenblatt" is assumably a credit to the person who has taken the photo and/or made the magazine cover but this isn't specified for the reader. In the bottom right corner, the magazine names the members of the band - providing information for readers who may not be familiar with the band and have no knowledge about who they are.
In the left corner just above the masthead, there is also the date that the edition was distributed and the issue number of the magazine.

Appeal to Social Groups?:
Age: Older teenagers to young adults that are fans of the BTS band however, older audiences may be targeted through the Broadway shows in the yellow circle.

Gender: The magazine brand is aimed at all genders as it normally covers topics of entertainment (i.e. gaming, music, film, and tv shows, etc.). This edition though will have a more female-orientated audience as BTS has an audience demographic where 76% is female.

Race/Ethnicity: Western fans will read the magazine however more Koreans will also read it as the band is from South Korea and Seoul is also mentioned

Class: Older teenagers and younger adults

Not specified - romance and sexuality is not a specific topic of the magazine company, However, during the 50th anniversary of gay pride, the company release special magazines that cover stories and thoughts from LGBTQIA+ actors and their experiences around that:

 Not specified

Closer Magazine
There is a larger amount of images for the front cover - meeting the requirements of a real-life magazine - that highlights the main focus is "Celebs...and so much more". Most of the images include cheerful faces rather than the usual sad faces that most people have on real-life magazine covers. The image of Harry and Megan however, creates a sense of tension within the royal family as if the two do not want to participate or at the least, communicate with the members of the family. It creates a sense of drama
Most mid-shot images of the celebrities/people featured in the magazine.

Brand identity:
The name "Closer" indicates that the magazine will bring its audience closer to their favourite celebrities - almost as if it creates a relationship between them. The masthead has a pink background with a goldish colour as an outline

Pink, light blue and an almost goldish colour are the main colours of the magazine, as well as white. This creates a more feminine aspect to the magazine brand - suggesting that it is more targeted towards females specifically.


The images, although set out in a collage/montage type of layout, each has borders around them to make them look like photographs in a journal 

'TV you'll love' could be considered as call-to-action as it suggests that the magazine will include TV shows suggestions - however, it could just be to highlight that the magazine covers stories from actors of popular TV shows.

Bar code included in the bottom right corner of the magazine 

Institutional Details:
No institutional details are included on the front cover of the magazine - neither is a release date or issue number of the magazine

Appeal to Social Groups?:
It is more specific to one social group rather than a diverse range of social groups because it is a concentrated area of interest where the focus has been condensed towards one gender/social group

This magazine is probably more aimed towards adults aged from the mid-30s or older, maybe late 20s, but most likely aimed towards audiences that would be more interested in marriage and weight loss, etc.

Female orientated due to the topics and the number of female celebrities 

Not culturally diverse - large white representation - traditional

Upper class/middle class - generally richer people would probably be more interested in the magazine, the topics, and the celebrities that are covered.

There is no LGBTQIA+ representation on the front cover of the magazine, there just seems to be the stereotypical heterosexual representation suggesting that the company brand may have traditional views on relationships


Mojo Magazine

Medium Close-Up Shot of Joni Mitchell (when she was younger) used as the background of the cover.

Brand identity:
MOJO; the Music Magazine - highlights what the target audience demographic is (music fans) as well as the general content of this brand.

The background image is edited to be coloured blue to match "The real story of blue" - referring to the context and inspiration for the singer's album 'Blue'.
The general colour palette 


Regarding images, there are only three images on this magazine cover, one for the making background; one enlarged in the bottom left corner; and one in the right corner. These are used to highlight the more important stories/features included within the magazine content.
Meanwhile, the other graphics included are simple shapes to highlight any other important/special information such as the reviews and the anniversary of the brand. Arguably these could be considered as call-to-action as it compels customers to read the magazine because of these 'special aspects' - especially if they want the "15-track CD".

Masthead for the brand name.
There are also other stories listed on the front cover of the magazine with very small stand firsts or rather simple phrases to give an idea of what they are about.
There is a barcode on the bottom right corner of the magazine.

Institutional Details:
There doesn't seem to be any details specifically included in the magazine other than it is a 'music magazine' and the reviews/anniversary of the brand.

Appeal to Social Groups?:
The magazine content is more concentrated and specific to appeal to one or two small social groups rather than a wide variety (like entertainment) - in this case, older adults and music fans.

Due to the Musicians and music bands mentioned not being familiar to younger audiences (or not listened to by them) then the targeted age demographic is middle-aged to older adults rather than teenagers/young adults

Gender-neutral representations as well as the targeted audience

There isn't any diverse representation of ethnicity



The magazine has little to none religious representation