Thursday, February 10, 2022

Magazine Exports - Issue 1


For the front cover of Issue 1, I have 6 photographs that have all been edited to represent different social groups and issues. I have used a range of fonts such as Accord SF; Basic Sans Heavy SF; and Andre Light SF. I have included a masthead with a slogan "Vital! Vital Living for You", buzzwords "NEW!!", a price tag, a barcode and the website that people would use to read online or subscribe to the brand.

To attempt to solve the issue of white space on the cover, I have also included background colours/shapes that follow the brand colour scheme (purple, and yellow) and they also link to the mast head. The main background colour is a light shade of purple while the bottom band includes a light shade of yellow with oval shapes - these link with the mast head and the star shapes. However the bottom band seems to clash too much with the purple colour, in the future, I could improve this by making the purple a lighter shade.

For the contents pages of Issue 1, I have filled the background in with a shade of purple that links with the masthead while the background of the page title matches/is similar to the background of my website to further show brand identity with the media products. I have outlined the story columns with contrasting colours and filled them with white to make it easier to read and more interesting to look at. There are social media links, call-to-action (subscribe information noted in another page), and distributor information included for the readers to follow, read etc.

I have also included a range of photographs linked to other stories or the same stories from the front cover; as well as other content for the readers to enjoy - 'The Weekly Stars'

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