Thursday, November 25, 2021

NEA: Progress of Making the Magazine products - Issue 1

First, I began by setting up the general layout of the magazine covers and contents pages. I tried to ensure that there were different fonts used for my media product - such as Accord SF and . To follow my designs, I also made sure the 'V' and the '!' were larger sizes than the rest of the masthead of the magazine. Unfortunately, I was unable to make the black outline of the text bolder so instead, I made it so the "V" and the "!" would be the only features of the masthead with the black outline.
There is also the brand slogan which I have placed to be to the right of the masthead beginning from the letter "A"

Here, I then began to focus on adding stories to the front cover - unfortunately, I had to do some further editing to the main image so that it would flow more rather than look blocky against the background
Next, I edited more photos by adjusting the lighting and colour levels (for example; the image of the stagnant stream was originally too yellow so I adjusted the RGB levels to make it greener). I also added the story titles and attached them with the designated photos.
I also added the weekly price for the magazine and placed it in the left bottom corner

I Included call-to-action with subscribe information and which page they need to turn to. I also began to sort out the column sizes 

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