Similarly to the front page of Issue 1, I have 5 photographs that have all been edited to represent different social groups and issues. I have used a range of fonts such as Accord SF; Basic Sans Heavy SF; and Andre Light SF. I have included a masthead with a slogan "Vital! Vital Living for You", buzzwords "Bumper Pack!!", a price tag, a barcode and the website that people would use to read online or subscribe to the brand.
To attempt to solve the issue of white space on the cover, I have also included background colours/shapes that follow the brand colour scheme (purple, and yellow) and they also link to the mast head. The main background colour is a light shade of purple while the bottom band includes a light shade of yellow with oval shapes - these link with the mast head and the star shapes.
I have done the same for the Contents page of Issue 2 as I have for Issue 1 - light shade of purple for the background to link with the masthead and a light shade of yellow for the title to link with the background colour of my website and to link with the star shape. I have also outlined the smaller stars with a shade of purple so they contrast the background.
However, as Issue 2 is a 'bumper pack', I have included more content (such as their own version of the MBTI personality test) and more stories. I have also included an editors' note, social media links and call-to-action as well as specified stories for the different topics I intend to cover through my products.
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