Sunday, January 2, 2022

NEA: Progress of Making the Magazine products - Issue 2

 First, I began by setting up the general layout of the magazine covers and contents pages. I tried to ensure that there were different fonts used for my media product - such as Accord SF and. To follow my designs, I also made sure the 'V' and the '!' were larger sizes than the rest of the masthead of the magazine. Unfortunately, I was unable to make the black outline of the text bolder so instead, I made it so the "V" and the "!" would be the only features of the masthead with the black outline. There is also the brand slogan which I have placed to be to the right of the masthead beginning from the letter "A"

Next, I began to edit pictures that I would use for the front cover of Issue 2 using Adobe. However some images were difficult for me to edit them so they didn't look boxy - when I tried, too much of the image would be removed. I also added details of the magazine  - such as the cost and the 'Weekly Stars' feature. Then I began to include the stories in the contents pages.

Afterward, I made sure the contents columns were the same size as each other, and that there was a wider range of content included (i.e., Entertainment, Travel, and a personality test). I also began to write the editor's note and sorted out the call-to-action, "Subscribe" and "Turn to page..."in the contents pages. I have also included social media accounts and the website in the contents pages for the readers to be able to view more content. However, I would need to create these accounts for these to be successful.

Finally, I organised the column sizes, stories and page numbers, the barcode length and the general layout of the. I have also included shapes to specify where and what images I would have included if I had more time and accessibility, if we had not been placed in multiple lockdowns.

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