Friday, March 18, 2022

Prototype & Intentions - Magazine Issue 1

This is the prototype of the 1st issue of my magazine, there is still a lot that I need to improve, such as make the photos a lot bigger, and I should make the masthead bigger as well. I also may need to add more variety in text fonts and colours.


Prototype & Intentions - Magazine Issue 2


Friday, March 11, 2022

Prototype & Intentions - Website - Homepage w/ Working Link Page:

This is the homepage of my website, In order to ensure I could fit everything in a screenshot, I had to zoom out so things appear slightly out of place. 

With the time provided, I managed to promote brand identity throughout my homepage through the colour scheme (purple, yellow) with the inclusion of other colours to accent my website - white and black. 

To improve my homepage however, I need to include/improve:

  • More images (these may include the images I have not used but have already edited, or other images that I would have liked to take (if it were not for lockdown) to add depth and emphasis for my stories.
  • I also need to include the front covers of my magazine issues somewhere within the website - if it were an official website, it would make more sense for these to be included within the Subscribe page, however, because this is not a page I have developed within the time dedicated to my NEA, I will most likely include these on the homepage or within the Entertainment page.
  • Most of the text I have written could be a lot bigger in size.
  • I would have preferred to use exactly the same fonts for my website as I have used for my magazine products - and preferably at the same sizes as well







Link Page

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Wix Website - Link Page


The link page (Entertainment) of my website also follows the colour scheme of my magazine product - purple and yellow, however. It needs a lot more images - if I was not in quarantine I would have gotten more images for the three main stories within this category. 

I have also included a sub-page, that also needs more images for the stories, same as on the homepage and on the Entertainment story.

To maintain the brand identity of my media products (through the magazine pages and the website), I designed the brand logo of a star shape with a large, purple "V" in the center, along with the brand slogan written in a curve beneath the star. Although I could not use the exact same fonts, I used similar fonts such as Helvetica and Robotico.

Wix Website - Homepage

Home | CAPSULE (

The homepage of my website follows the colour scheme of my magazine product - purple and yellow, however. It needs a lot more images - if I was not in quarantine I would have gotten more images of people for the"Weekly Stars" and for the other stories included on my website. I also need to add my audio-visual to the top right corner of the website.

To maintain the brand identity of my media products (through the magazine pages and the website), I designed the brand logo of a star shape with a large, purple "V" in the center, along with the brand slogan written in a curve beneath the star. Although I could not use the exact same fonts, I used similar fonts such as Helvetica and Robotico.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Magazine Exports - Issue 2


Similarly to the front page of Issue 1, I have 5 photographs that have all been edited to represent different social groups and issues. I have used a range of fonts such as Accord SF; Basic Sans Heavy SF; and Andre Light SF. I have included a masthead with a slogan "Vital! Vital Living for You", buzzwords "Bumper Pack!!", a price tag, a barcode and the website that people would use to read online or subscribe to the brand.

To attempt to solve the issue of white space on the cover, I have also included background colours/shapes that follow the brand colour scheme (purple, and yellow) and they also link to the mast head. The main background colour is a light shade of purple while the bottom band includes a light shade of yellow with oval shapes - these link with the mast head and the star shapes.

I have done the same for the Contents page of Issue 2 as I have for Issue 1 - light shade of purple for the background to link with the masthead and a light shade of yellow for the title to link with the background colour of my website and to link with the star shape. I have also outlined the smaller stars with a shade of purple so they contrast the background.

However, as Issue 2 is a 'bumper pack', I have included more content (such as their own version of the MBTI personality test) and more stories. I have also included an editors' note, social media links and call-to-action as well as specified stories for the different topics I intend to cover through my products.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Magazine Exports - Issue 1


For the front cover of Issue 1, I have 6 photographs that have all been edited to represent different social groups and issues. I have used a range of fonts such as Accord SF; Basic Sans Heavy SF; and Andre Light SF. I have included a masthead with a slogan "Vital! Vital Living for You", buzzwords "NEW!!", a price tag, a barcode and the website that people would use to read online or subscribe to the brand.

To attempt to solve the issue of white space on the cover, I have also included background colours/shapes that follow the brand colour scheme (purple, and yellow) and they also link to the mast head. The main background colour is a light shade of purple while the bottom band includes a light shade of yellow with oval shapes - these link with the mast head and the star shapes. However the bottom band seems to clash too much with the purple colour, in the future, I could improve this by making the purple a lighter shade.

For the contents pages of Issue 1, I have filled the background in with a shade of purple that links with the masthead while the background of the page title matches/is similar to the background of my website to further show brand identity with the media products. I have outlined the story columns with contrasting colours and filled them with white to make it easier to read and more interesting to look at. There are social media links, call-to-action (subscribe information noted in another page), and distributor information included for the readers to follow, read etc.

I have also included a range of photographs linked to other stories or the same stories from the front cover; as well as other content for the readers to enjoy - 'The Weekly Stars'

Sunday, January 2, 2022

NEA: Progress of Making the Magazine products - Issue 2

 First, I began by setting up the general layout of the magazine covers and contents pages. I tried to ensure that there were different fonts used for my media product - such as Accord SF and. To follow my designs, I also made sure the 'V' and the '!' were larger sizes than the rest of the masthead of the magazine. Unfortunately, I was unable to make the black outline of the text bolder so instead, I made it so the "V" and the "!" would be the only features of the masthead with the black outline. There is also the brand slogan which I have placed to be to the right of the masthead beginning from the letter "A"

Next, I began to edit pictures that I would use for the front cover of Issue 2 using Adobe. However some images were difficult for me to edit them so they didn't look boxy - when I tried, too much of the image would be removed. I also added details of the magazine  - such as the cost and the 'Weekly Stars' feature. Then I began to include the stories in the contents pages.

Afterward, I made sure the contents columns were the same size as each other, and that there was a wider range of content included (i.e., Entertainment, Travel, and a personality test). I also began to write the editor's note and sorted out the call-to-action, "Subscribe" and "Turn to page..."in the contents pages. I have also included social media accounts and the website in the contents pages for the readers to be able to view more content. However, I would need to create these accounts for these to be successful.

Finally, I organised the column sizes, stories and page numbers, the barcode length and the general layout of the. I have also included shapes to specify where and what images I would have included if I had more time and accessibility, if we had not been placed in multiple lockdowns.