This iconic film poster conveys the historical context of the year 1912, when the supposed "unsinkable" ship called the Titanic was to first set sail, however, unfortunately, sank. Because the film is inspired and based on that event, the older audiences more specifically, will want to see it as they were either survivor of the tragic event or because they were alive when the event occurred. The event will have been the news of 1912 for months and is still well known and discussed now. While the film mainly shows historical contexts (such as social classes), the film itself has become cultural to today's generation.
The woman in the poster is obviously of a higher class than the man; this is shown through their appearance as she is wearing finer and better clothing then he is. This shows the historical differences between the higher and lower classes and their lifestyle.
During the tragic event of the Titanic, there was actually a passenger named Jack, assumably he may have been the inspiration for Jack's character within the movie.
The magazine cover shows the cultural context of popular movies, specifically from the 80s. This more than likely attracts the attention of that specific generation, although it may appeal to general movie watchers or provide suggestions for which movies to potentially watch next. The iconic images of movie characters (E.T; Marty McFly etc.) and the iconic text font used all collaborate together and create a sense of nostalgia through the magazine cover.
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