Friday, December 10, 2021

Script for Audio-Visual


[Screen fades in]

[Both people enter the room, carrying a coffee cup and wave]

Person 1: Hello guys, I am …

Person 2: And I am …

Person 1: You must be here looking for a new, fun podcast to listen to.

Person 2: One that covers all the latest trends, news, stories, movies and shows; speaking of which, have you guys watched Euphoria?

Person 1: [Speaks as both people walk to a table off camera – camera pans with them as they walk and sit down] Actually, we are going to be discussing the show this week

Person 2: Back to topic, this is the podcast for yo- [Is handed a sign] Oh, thank you! [holds up sign]

Person 1 & Person 2: [In unison] Welcome to Vital Talk!

Person 2: We talk about the Vital things in life

Person 1: [Slowly leans towards person 2 and whispers] Roll credits

Person 2: You know you’re not funny right?

Person 1: I know, I just like to annoy you

Person 2: Ugh I hate you-

Person 1: Anyway, are we going to do the podcast or not? [Looks at the camera] We shall see you guys in a few minutes

[Both put on their headsets and face the microphone in the middle of the table]

Person 2: Hello everybody and welcome to our podcast, how are you all? …

[Screen fades to black as voices fade to the beginning of a podcast]


This is the script for my audio-visual video, I intended for it to be short but more casual and seem less forced. I also intended for it to seem more like a normal conversation within the trailer for the podcast instead of it being cheesy and uninteresting.

It is short to more suit the requested length of the video and suit the form of a trailer.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Storyboard for Audio-Visual


My audio-visual product will be a trailer for a podcast (within the same brand as Vital!) called Vital Talk! 

Shot 1
Shot type: Full Shot /or/ Medium Wide Shot
Setting: Empty room - maybe has posters or other props to associate with trends/movies etc.
Props: Coffee Cups
Expressions/Attitude: Cheerful; Casual; Welcoming 
Editing: Fading into the shot; shapes - show peoples' names in the shot
What Happens?: Two people discuss with each other & directly into the camera

Shot 2
Shot Type: Tracking - turns to Medium (when they reach the table & sit down
Setting: Different part of same room - has two chairs
Props: Coffee cups; Microphone (in the centre of table); headsets
Editing: None
What Happens?: They both walk to the table off screen (still talking to each other) - camera tracks their movement 

Shot 3
Shot Type: Medium
Props: Sign (passed to person 2 by a third person(off-screen); Coffee cups; Microphone; Headsets
Editing: Sound effects as third person hands the sign to second person
What Happens?: Person off screen hands sign to second person - two people on screen read sign as they show it to the camera

Shot 4
Shot Type: Medium
Props: Coffee Cups; Microphone; Headsets; Sign
Editing: Crash sound effects as second person throws sign away - off screen
What Happens?: Two models talk with each other, look at the camera as the put on their headsets and the screen fades to black.