Thursday, July 2, 2020

Research of the Guardian Newspaper

The Guardian Newspaper Reveals New Logo Design - Logo Designer ...
Image of the logo from google images

General Information:

  • The Guardian is also a British newspaper however it was founded in 1821 by John Taylor, known as the "Manchester Guardian" and renamed in the year 1959.  The formats that it was in were Broadsheet (1821 - 2005), Berliner (2005 - 2018) and finally, compact (2018 - present). 
  • Is more aligned with the Labour party and political left, however, this was gradual after the second world war. 
  • Has been accused of "Antisemitism and biased criticism of the Israeli government policy" due to the language they had used in some of their articles. 
  • Related to this, in 2011 on the 6th of November, the readers' editor (Chris Elliot) had said that both writers & editors needed to be "more vigilant about their language when writing about Jews or Israel."
  • The Guardian has also been accused of having misleading stories but not at the same level as the Daily Mail. An example is an article in 2017 when The Guardian claimed that the app, Whatsapp, had a 'backdoor' that allows snooping on messages. Once they had received a letter telling them to retract the article, they released another article in June 2017 explaining their flawed report.
  • However, the Guardian does keep most of their articles relative to the events occurring in the world and relative to the time of them. One example is related to the campaigns/speeches/riots and strikes in order to prevent racism. The article below highlights McQueen's experiences and thoughts of racism within the film and TV industry. One is his shock towards the low number of BAME (Black Asian Minority Ethnic) workers within the industry. 
Screen snip  from the official Guardian website 21st June 2020
  • At the end of the article, the Guardian has a small box which explains their thoughts and how they are 'standing in solidarity' in the fight against racism and other forms of brutality. Interestingly, this contradicts earlier claims and accusations towards the Guardian. Are the Guardian really being honest on their part?